111 Klondike Rd.
Republic, Ferry County, Washington 99166
located on the north end of town on Klondike Rd.
"When a mine accident in 1898 claimed the life of Patrick Callaghan the citizens of Republic realized the Town had no cemetery. Determined to correct this oversight, Mrs. John Stack, wife of the prominent civic leader and merchant, John Stack, mounted her horse and searched the countryside for an appropriate location. The chosen burial grounds, overlooking the lovely San Poil Valley and surrounded by awe-inspiring peace and beauty, stands as a continuing memorial to the intrepid pioneers who rest there."
On July 30th, 1915, several women met at the City Hall for the purpose of organizing a cemetery association. A motion was made and second to meet with the Prosecuting Attorney and complete arrangements. Aug 2nd, 1915, officers were elected. Mrs. Stack, vice-president, Mrs. Clara Steadman, treasurer; Mrs. Elizabeth Slagle, secretary; and Mrs. Cook, president. The agreement was file with the Secretary of State and the Ferry County Auditor. Mrs. Slagle served on the board for several years.
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